Canada Study Tour & Leadership Exchange Program
October 22nd – November 10th 2018 (2nd edition)
From October 22nd – November 10th 2018 The Polish Academy of Canada in association Huron Heights Secondary School and YLCC (Ontario, Canada) organized the 2nd edition of Canada Study Tour & Leadership Exchange Program.
The study tour began in Warsaw where the Polish supervisor Alina Deja-Grygierczyk met with the students and their parents.
‘We were all extremely excited about Canada, the leadership program, but mostly about ourselves!’ – said Alina Deja
On 23rd of October the students took part in the leadership program and team building activities in Orillia – YLCC Leadership Camp. On 26th they left Orillia to meet with the students of Huron Heights Secondary School and their host families in Kitchener. According to the students that was the best time ever in their lives. They also took part in the Ontario Student Leadership Conference (OSLC) – a tradition of student leadership in Canada in its 40th year.’ With the study tour, they explored the history, institutions, leadership programs, Canadian cultures and current issues of Canada through study visits to the major Canadian universities (University of Toronto, Western University, Huron College, Waterloo university) institutions of Canada, and the dialogue they built with First Nations of Canada - Dan Smoke and Mary Lou, members of the Seneca Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy.
This experience wasn’t only “About Canada: - it was in Canada”!
It was very Canadian and definitely AWESOME, eh!
You may find the information about Huron Heights Secondary School below:
You may find a guide to speakers and study tour supervisors here: (PDF-file opens in a new tab)
You may find study tour program fall 2018 here: (PDF-file opens in a new tab)
You may find a guide to events of the study tour here: (PDF-file opens in a new tab)
The Ontario Student Leadership Conference (OSLC) (Gallery - click me)
Leadership Exchange Program with Huron Heights Secondary School (Gallery - click me)
Leadership Camp YLCC (Gallery - click me)
Other Activities of Canada Study Tour April 2018
Universities in Ontario, Canada and meeting with First Nations (Dan Smoke and Mary Lou)
Participants of Canada Study Tour 2018 2nd Edition 🇨🇦 😎
- Dawid Greszta
- Sara Hanafi
- Julia Kuras
- Jakub Kwaśniak
- Alicja Panek
- Karolina Pastwa
- Adam Rybojad
- Adrian Sawicki
really likes travelling and discovering new things about countries. He loves skiing and winter. He works well with groups and he is a good listener. His Academic and Career Related Interests are History, psychology, languages, economics. He is the class president and next year he is planning to join the debate club! Congrats Dawid Greszta!
describes herself as an Algerian-French-Greek-Polish girl and she is in the international baccalaureate program. She is interested in biology and chemistry because in the future she would like to be a doctor! She tries to set up her goals high and work hard to achieve them! Congratulations Sara Hanafi!
her hobby is sport, especially running. She has been training it for five years now. In her free time she helps to train young children, spend time with my friends or read books. She is an ambitious and highly-motivated, if she takes up any activities she is determined to do her best. Her sport experiences taught her not to be discouraged even if you don’t see the results for a long time. Congrats Julia Kuras!
is deeply involved in improving his skills. Last year he took up programming and became generally interested in Computer Science. He values the ability of working in groups. He loves cooperating with intelligent and positive people. He thinks that nowaydays communication between people is crucial. congrats Kuba Jakub Kwaśniak!
her favorite quote is “The reality is only one of the possibilities.” she describes herself as an ordinary girl with an extraordinary life and she loves to write about that. She hopes to become a wrtiter one day! Her volunteer experiences include taking care of children at kindergarten, collecting food for homeless people, participate in charity event organized by DKMS (polish foundation, independent non-profit organization)! Congrats Alicja Panek!
is an active scout and every week she takes part in meetings with younger girls. Last year she was visiting and organizing activities for disabled women from Kiełczewice. Once for a while she signs petitions for Amnesty International. She took part in preparing food and clothes for poor Polish people in Ukraine and in organizing Christmas Eve for homelles and lonely people from my town. She likes taking new challenges and eventuating from them diligently, and she loves working in teams. Congrats Karola Pastwa!
was a volunteer several times in many charities. Also, he used to be a scout in Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczpospolitej (Organization of Polish Scouting). He loves traveling and discovering new cultures. He would love to study abroad and spend a big part of his life there. Congrats Adam Rybojad!
Next year is planning to take a gap year in Canada or possibly begin his studies there. His goal is to become a physioterapist in sport related fields such as football or volleyball and wants to hard work to achieve this dream. He is skilled in planning events! Congrats Adrian Sawicki!
Karolina Pastwa, Lublin
Byłam uczestniczką Canada Study Tour 2018 i była to jedna z najlepszych rzeczy jakie mogły mnie spotkać ! Niesamowite 3 tygodnie pełne wrażeń. Tydzień spędzony w Huron High School na zawsze odmienił mój wizerunek kanadyjskiej szkoły. Tak wielu doświadczeń w ciągu 3 tygodni nie zaznałam jeszcze nigdy. Nie tylko zapewniono nam dużo rozrywki, ale mieliśmy możliwości dowiedzieć się wielu przydatnych informacji o studiach w Kanadzie i odwiedzić najważniejsze uniwersytety. Dzięki Oslc mogliśmy także poznać samego siebie od nowa. Absolutnie polecam wyjazd wszystkim, którzy sie wahają!
Alicja Panek, Sopot
Canada Study Tour był najlepszym wyjazdem w jakim kiedykolwiek brałam udział. Poznałam wspaniałych ludzi, zwiedziłam uniwersytety kanadyjskie ale co najważniejsze mogłam się poczuć jak zwykła uczennica w Huron Heights. Moje wspomnienia bedą na zawsze powiązane z przecudowną Aliną która podjęła się zorganizowania tej wycieczki ale także zaopiekowała się nami. Jestem wdzięczna i przeszczęśliwa. Dziękuje i jedyne co mogę powiedzieć to mam nadzieje iz gdy dojdzie do następnej edycji będę mogła pomóc Alinie która pomogła mnie.
Adrian Sawicki, Gdynia
Byłem uczestnikiem Projektu Canada Study Tour 2nd edition i był to najlepszy wybór w moim życiu . Ten wyjazd mnie odmienił , sprecyzował moje cele do których będę dożył ciężka pracą. Dzięki temu wiem czego tak naprawdę chcę i wiem jak chcę żyć . Wszystkim polecam wzięcie udziału w tym projekcie i gwarantuje wam ze nie będziecie żałować tego wybory . Pokochacie Kanadę ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦
Kamila Kuras – mama Juli Kuras, Wrocław
Córka miała przyjemność wyjechać w jesiennej edycji programu organizowanego przez Polish Academy of Canada w 2018r. To bardzo mądrze zorganizowana wyprawa, na którą składał się pobyt na obozie w Orilli, wizyty na kanadyjskich uniwersytetach, tygodniowa(ponad) przygoda z kanadyjską szkołą średnią, wyjazd na konferencję nad Niagarą, spotkanie z rdzennymi mieszkańcami kraju Klonowego Liścia, zwiedzanie, zakupy, mecze, spotkania z przemiłymi ludźmi....A wszystko pod opieką pani Aliny(w drobnym ciele ujarzmiony wulkan energii, empatii i pozytywnego spojrzenia na świat ). Trzy tygodnie minęły córce błyskawicznie. Nie chciała wracać. Z mojego punktu widzenia to edukacyjny strzał w dziesiątkę!
Thank you!
Julia Kuras, you are more than amazing and a true inspiration and a gift to Canada Study Tour 2018 (2nd edition).
You have made our trip so memorable and you gave us such a PERFECT souvenir.
We are GRATEFUL to know you!